So a couple days ago we had ChatGPT write headlines for Steinbach Online. Today we told it write some in the style of the Unger Review/Daily Bonnet. Unfortunately, these don’t seem any more amusing than their attempts at Steinbach Online. That being said, I’m not above ripping off a few of these.
- “Local Mennonite Farmer Discovers Secret to Growing Giant Shoofly Pies”
- “Breaking News: Town’s Entire Population Converts to Mennonitism after Trying Grandma’s Delicious Borscht”
- “Mennonite Couple Celebrates 50 Years of Marriage without Ever Agreeing on the Proper Way to Fold a Church Bulletin”
- “Mennonite Man Sets World Record for Longest Sunday Nap During Sermon”
- “Local Mennonite Church Installs ‘Hallelujah Button’ for Congregation Members Who Forgot the Words”
- “Amish Youth Sneakily Start Competitive Butter-Churning League: ‘Gut-Slapping Action Guaranteed'”
- “Mennonite Grandma Knits World’s Largest Cardigan; Plans to Wrap Entire Town in Cozy Warmth”
- “Mennonite Pastor Claims to Have Found Ancient Recipe for Holy Guacamole”
- “Amish Community Stunned as ‘Rumspringa’ Turns into a Full-Blown Dance Party”
- “Breaking News: Mennonite Woman Discovers theological Loophole to Count Potato Salad as a Serving of Vegetables”