Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you’re enjoying your New Year’s cookies! 2018 was another great year at the Daily Bonnet, and October actually was the highest month ever in terms of traffic to the website. Thanks, everyone for continuing to read and share our posts!
Here are the top ten most popular articles of 2018. Click on the links below to refresh your memory about some of the Daily Bonnet’s most popular articles of 2018!
10) Millions of Homeless Canadian Refugees Flock to US Border After Heatwave Melts Igloos – Jauma lied! It sure is inconvenient when your igloo melts, let me tell you!
9) How to Talk to Your Children About Sex: A Guide for Mennonite Parents – Mennonite parents are always looking for ways to improve their parenting skills.
8) ‘Mennonites’ Deemed Offensive, To Be Replaced with ‘Personnonites’ – Political correctness strikes Mennonites! Oba nay!
7) Mennonite Woman’s ‘Abstinence in a Pan’ Declared Worst Dessert at Church Bake Sale – Nothing beats the real thing.
6) Mennonite Dog Breeder Creates New Breed, The ‘Low German Shepherd’ – I hear he bred her with a Chihuahua.
5) How Many of these Common Mennonite Foods Have You Tried? and How Many of these Typical Mennonite Things Have You Done? – Mennonites love lists! We are very organized people.
4) British Columbian Freezes to Death Within Minutes of Arriving in Winnipeg – It could happen….
3) Mennonite Woman Snags Best License Plate Ever (This is Real!) – What does it say that a real news article reaches number three on the list?
2) Lonely White Male Spends Romantic Evening Alone Watching Ben Shapiro Videos – I’m glad to see Ben Shapiro has a sense of humour! He retweeted this article. Thanks, Ben!
1) Canada Pays Off Entire Federal Debt One Day After Marijuana Legalization – The popularity of this one took me by surprise, I must say. Just think of the debt we’ll be able to pay off when they finally legalize yerba mate!