World-renowned flat-earther Mr. Fehr has taken to the Internet to expose the Flat Earth Society’s greatest bit of evidence yet: the Province of Saskatchewan.
“I mean just look at it,” said Mr. Fehr, holding up his phone to the audience. “And they try to say the Earth is round! Who are they kidding!”
Mr. Fehr was converted to Flat-Earthism on road trip from Brandon, Manitoba to Medicine Hat, Alberta this summer.
“I just looked around me and thought, my goodness, Harold, the flat-earthers are right!” said Mr. Fehr. “Even a child can see the truth of flat-earthery.”
Mr. Fehr will be conducting a series of experiments such as parking without a handbreak just outside Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.
“If it sits still, then flat earth!” said Mr. Fehr. “If it rolls right into the EMB church then, fine, I guess it’s round.”
(photo credit: gripped/CC)