Altonites were in for quite the treat yesterday as renowned brommtopper Mr. Hamm stood on the 16th floor balcony of the Altona Manor and serenaded his fellow quarantined neighbours with a delightful performance of the traditional Mennonite instrument known as the brommtopp.
“Mench ekj saj! The brommtopp! And it’s not even Silvester!” exclaimed Mr. Klassen from across the street, whose yelling could scarcely be heard above the deep rumbling. “Well, I guess a brommtopp performance is just what Altona needs right about now!”
Mr. Hamm, 76, is considered the “Jimi Hendrix of the brommtopp,” so Altoners eagerly peaked out of their windows to witness the historic event.
“He knows how to rub that horse’s hair like no one else!” said Mr. Klassen. “His tone and virtuosity are just incredible!”
Mr. Hamm’s brommtopp could be heard across town from Centennial Park all the way out to the Co-op cardlock on the highway.
“It’s nice to see people doing something for the community,” said Mr. Klassen. “We all need a bit of brommtopp in these dark times.”
Altonianites were so appreciative of Mr. Hamm’s performance that they walked by (at a safe social distance) and tossed New Year’s cookies and little bottles of liquor to him to express their gratitude.
(photo credit: MaryLou Driedger/Thanks, MaryLou!)