Mr. Fehr, 62, of Kleefeld decided the family needed a nice afternoon at the beach, so he filled the trunk with zoat and headed off for St. Malo beach.
“Oba, but when I got there I realized I had plenty of watermelon, but nothing but some very immodest Speedos,” said Fehr. “Martha tried to convince me not to wear them, but I had no other choice … ”
Prior to his arrival St. Malo was quite packed with sun-lovers, but the sight of Mr. Fehr in Speedos instantly cleared the beach.
“I thought maybe there was a shark in the water or something,” said Mr. Fehr. “Everyone was screaming and running in the other direction.”
Manitoba health authorities have already contacted Mr. Fehr and commended him on his efforts to make sure people are social distancing.
“We’re encouraging Mennonite men everywhere – get out there on the beach in your Speedos,” said a government spokesperson. “You might just save a life.”
For his life-saving efforts, Mr. Fehr was awarded the Manitoba Medal of Freedom, but no one could figure out where to pin it.