Local man Mark Siemens, 28, has been suspended from attending church for the next four Sundays after farting audibly during the prayer time last week.
“We just can’t let this kind of behaviour continue,” said Pastor Gary. “It sets a bad example for the kids and completely throws off the atmosphere during faspa.”
In his defence, Siemens argued that farting was just part of the game and should not be punished so severely.
“What did they expect me to do?” said Siemens. “Just hold it until the sermon is over? I’d like to see you have that kind of stamina.”
Siemens will be sitting out the next four Sundays by which time other churchgoers will have taken his spot in the pews.
“Hey, you know, all things considered four games isn’t bad,” said Siemens . “You should see the kind of suspension they’re giving Tobias Tissen.”