With the skyrocketing lumber prices, wooden knipsers are now trading at upwards of $70 a piece.
“Well, Helen, would you look at that!” said Henry Warkentin, 64, of Swift Current. “We’ve got enough knipsers to retire right here…plus a little extra to travel, too.”
The Warkentins are also considering selling the board while the market is still hot.
“You can get good money for a board like this,” said Warkentin, “especially if it’s one Frank Thiessen’s boards. These days those trade for almost a million.”
Warkentin’s only hesitation is that he doesn’t know what he’ll do with himself without a crokinole board.
“Sometimes you have to get your priorities straight,” said Warkentin. “Sure, it’s a lot of money, but at what cost?”
The Warkentins are currently dismantling the outhouse out back, which will fetch them a tidy sum.
“And the Wiebes are more than willing to let us use theirs,” said Mrs. Warkentin. “I’m not so sure they’ll be quite so generous with the crokinole board, however.”