Traffic was backed up for miles in Saskatoon this past Friday as Matthias Harder, 74, of Dalmeny, decided to go to the city and drive really slow during rush hour.
“This is my mission field,” explained Harder. “We are to flee from sin and worldliness, and what better way to show the world the love of God than by driving twenty or thirty kilometres below the speed limit?”
Cars honked and commuters rolled down their windows to yell at the Mennonite man, but he remained firm in his resolve to traverse Idylwyld Drive in such a manner that the Lord would be pleased.
“They were just upset because the Devil’s got a hold of them,” said Harder. “The more they honked and yelled, the more I maintained my steadfast commitment to show them the way of truth and light.”
Harder also flirted with the idea of getting really confused and driving the wrong way down the freeway, but decided he had done enough witnessing for the day and so took the Yellowhead back to Dalmeny where his wife Martha eagerly awaited the very delayed arrival of her missionary husband.
“He is a hero,” she said, handing him a schnetke, lovingly coated with strawberry-rhubarb jam. “When the roll is called up yonder, there will be many a jewel in his crown for all the good work he’s done reaching unsaved drivers.”
(Photo credit: by dave_7/CC)