The lineup at CommonWord stretched more than three miles down Shaftesbury Blvd. this week for CMU’s annual farmer sausage sale.
“We’re Canadian Mennonite University’s bookstore and resource centre so naturally we have a great selection of formaworcht,” said school representative Anne Friesen-Barkman-Isaac. “It’s no surprise that people are excited for the farmer sausage. It’s not easy to get the good stuff within city limits.”
Thousands of sausage-hungry folks flocked to the CMU bookstore where they filled their trunks with Bible commentaries, farmer sausage, and a wide selection of Andrew Unger books.
“Marpeck Commons is never quite so lively as it is on farmer sausage days,” said Friesen-Barkman Isaac. “Plus the theological discourse is of the highest order.”
Farmer sausage fans are urged to get to CMU as soon as they can or risk having to venture out of the city to get their hands on some in the countryside.