Mrs. Ruth Plett of Landmark encountered the fountain drinks at the Dairy Queen in Steinbach this week and decided to boldly try a little Papsi with some water in it yet.
“Oba, nay, my Harry warned me against trying the Papsi all by itself, so naturally I added a little water,” said Plett. “At first I tried 1/3 Papsi and a 2/3 water, but that was still a bit strong.”
Eventually Plett settled on a ratio of 90% water and “a wee smidgen of Papsi once,” which she says is the perfect recipe for Mennonite swamp water.
“I thought of even mixing the Papsi and Coke, but they didn’t have any,” said Plett. “Which makes sense, since good Mennonites don’t drink Coke anyway. So it was a nice refreshing cup of delicious watered-down Papsi for me.”
Plett downed 5 cups of Mennonite swamp water before deciding she’d had enough.
“Even on a hot day like this, there’s only so much water and traces of Papsi that one woman can handle,” said Plett. “I’ll leave it my grandchildren to drink the Papsi straight from the tap.”
Plett plans to submit her recipe for Mennonite Swamp Water to the upcoming 50th Annual Kleine Gemeinde Cookbook this fall.
(photo credit: frankieleon/CC)