Delicious zuckastetja were on full display this Sunday afternoon at the annual GCEMC faspa/funeral and Mennonites throughout the region flocked to get their hands on the prized treat.
“No plautz for me,” said Mr. Harry Wiebe, dipping his sugar cube in a Styrofoam cup of coffee. “Ahh, there’s simply nothing better than sucking on zuckastetja all afternoon.”
So many zuckastetja were sucked on this afternoon that the GCEMC faspa/funeral committee had to run to the store for more.
“Quick we’re running out of dessert!” yelled Mrs. Kehler, as she hopped into her Honda CR-V and rushed off to Penner Foods. “I should have known the ratio of cheese curds and dill pickles to zuckastetja was way off.”
Mr. Wiebe apparently even taught the trick to his grandkids, although they refused to dip it in coffee like the adults.
“I guess they like the pure sweetness of a nice fresh zuckastetja,” said Wiebe. “Ahh, well, I’m sure if you give it some time, they’ll develop a more sophisticated palate like me.
Wiebe says the key to a good zuckastetja is a quick half-dip, followed by a swirl, then a full dunk.
“In decaf, of course,” said Wiebe. “And don’t forget to give it a good pat down with the serviette to remove the excess liquid. Sucking on zuckastetja is a fine art.”