Mike and Susan Brandt of Osler were confronted with an unusual dilemma this weekend – should they each take their own bulletin or use the very same one?
“Good morning,” said head usher Kyle Peters. “Oh, sir, would you like a bulletin?”
Mike pondered the question for a moment before replying.
“No thanks, we’ll share,” said Mike.
However, it didn’t take long for Mike to realize the full consequences of his decision.
“When the sermon got a little dull, I reached for the bulletin only to find that Susan was already perusing the announcements,” said Mike. “And she wouldn’t let me get anywhere near the thing.”
As a result of his bulletin-sharing Mike also had nothing to fan himself with when things got a little overheated in the sanctuary.
“And I had no idea where we were in the order of the service,” said Mike. “This is the last time I’m sharing a bulletin, that’s for sure.”
Susan says she doesn’t understand why Mike can’t just grab his own bulletin and says one bulletin is simply not big enough for the two of them.
“Plus there was a song insert,” explained Susan. “Mike knows this. He only had himself to blame.”
The Brandts were first in line to sign up for Pastor Todd’s upcoming marriage course, although Mike will have to wait until Susan is done with the pen.