Area woman Ruth Enns has been awarded Horticulturalist of the Year by the local 4-H club after her poinsettia became the only one in Blumenort to survive all the way ‘til Christmas Day.
“I was in tears,” said Enns. “It looks like my poinsettia might even make it to Boxing Day and beyond this year.”
Enns says she won’t share her poinsettia secret, but hints it might have something to do with fair trade coffee.
“I must be doing something right,” said Enns. “All the women in my church tossed out their leafless dead poinsettias weeks ago.”
Tourists have already flocked to the Enns residence to take pictures with the famed poinsettia.
“Years from now, Mennonite historians will write about this day,” said Enns. “If you’ve got pictures with the Great Oak of Chortitza, why not snap a few in front of the Great Poinsettia of Blumenort?”
Mrs. Enns welcomes the visitors, but makes no promises that pilgrims visiting the Great Poinsettia will receive a miracle.