Several bags of distracting knackzoat and a couple wrong turns later and the annual Tractor Trek found itself right in the heart of downtown Winnipeg.
“I’ve never seen that many Massey Fergusons on Portage Avenue in all my life,” said Winnipeger Dave Sawatzky. “It’s a nice change from the Honda Civics, let me tell you.”
The Tractor Trekers were initially a little confused by their surroundings, but soon got used to the idea.
“I think it takes a good sturdy John Deere like this to travel on Winnipeg roads anyway,” said farmer Abe Kehler. “I’m guessing it won’t take long and many Winnipegers will be trading in their sedans for tractors. I’ve been dropping some seed in all the potholes as I go along. I think we’re going to have a nice little canola harvest on Portage and Main this season.”
The Tractor Trek kept on treking and eventually made their way down Henderson Highway, where all the distant relatives were awaiting their arrival.
“Oh, look it’s cousin Jake. And there’s Aunt Martha!” said Kehler. “Well, don’t just stand there. Hop on board and we’ll give you a ride back to Steinbach.”
Some attributed the unconventional route to a navigational error, while others say the whole thing was just an elaborate reenactment of something from an Armin Wiebe novel.