6-time EM Cup champions the Blumenort Menno Knights are no more. This after the label “Mennonite” (or anything close to it) was labelled “offensive” by hockey authorities this week.
“We’re going to think long and hard about a new name,” said team President Bobby Reimer. “For now we’re just going with the generic Blumenort Hockey Club … like they do in Utah.”
The Menno Knights name came under fire this week after the OHL suspended a playing for using the highly offensive term.
“Quite frankly, we’ve been calling ourselves Mennonites for centuries,” said Reimer. “I had no idea we were hurting people’s feelings with the name. I truly apologize to those we’ve offended.”
The Blumenort Hockey Club has also altered their team logo to remove the picture of an angry Taunte Lina holding a wooden spoon.