With rumours swirling that Hudson Bay may be going into creditor protection and liquidating their assets, thousands of customers made the 1500 km trek from Winnipeg to get their hands on some amazing close-out deals.
“They had a lot more tundra and a lot fewer crockpots and HBC blankets than I was expecting,” said Mrs. Reimer of Winnipeg. “Oba, and the prices are even more expensive than they are down south!”
Reimer says she used to buy everything at the basement at Eaton’s and was really hoping that Hudson Bay would have the same kind of deals.
“$9 for a banana? Waut de schissjat?” said Reimer. “And there’s not an MCC thrift store for miles around!”
Reimer and her friends from South Central EMMB will be taking the train back to Winnipeg this Monday, but they won’t be going away completely empty handed.
“I admit the deals were not as good as we were expecting,” said Reimer. “But I did get to see the polar bears. Not sure my iPhone can compete with Dennis Fast, though.”