Local man Jonah Neufeld, 35, of West Kildonan was out fishing at Lockport with his buddies Darrel Froese and Joel Peters this past weekend, when he was suddenly pulled into the Red River by a monstrous catfish.
“I couldn’t believe it,” said Froese, who witnessed the event. “That darn catfish swallowed him whole!”
Froese and Peters were certain their life-long friend and fishing partner was a goner.
“There was nothing we could do, so we just packed up our gear and headed home,” said Peters. “On the way home we played Rock Paper Scissors and I lost. That means I had to tell Jonah’s wife Bethany the bad news.”
Bethany was understandably distressed at the thought of her husband being swallowed by a channel catfish, but says it’s all part of the risk of having a catfishing husband.
“I knew this was a possibility when I married him,” said Bethany. “That’s why I never let the kids go along.”
Thankfully Mr. Neufeld was spat up onto the shore near Lake Winnipeg a few days later.
“Those catfish are a nasty bunch,” said Neufeld. “I think I’m going to stick to Walleye from now on. Plus, they taste a hell of a lot better.”
(photo credit: by ted_rocket/CC)