Ten Thousand Villages Celebrates Ten Thousand Years of Service


Founded by the Mennonite Central Committee in approximately 8,000 BC, this year Ten Thousand Villages stores are celebrating 10,000 years of selling fair trade products.

“I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure we’re the oldest fair trade store on the planet,” said spokesperson Anne Beachy. “I mean, I suppose everyone was fair trade back then since there was no money or banking system, but you know…”

The first known Ten Thousand Villages store set up shop just outside Stonehenge, where it sold delicious fair trade coffee beans to passing astronomers.

“Let me tell you, according to our records, the Druids loved Tanzanian Medium Roast,” said Beachy. “I don’t blame them. It’s my favourite, too.”

In order to celebrate 10,000 years in service, Ten Thousand Villages is offering the first 10,000 customers, and all those after them, the chance to purchase products at a price whereby the people who produced the items are fairly compensated.

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