After seeing ‘Mennonite Girls’ dominate the cooking headlines in recent years, Fraser Valley men Abe Fast and Arnold Doerksen decided they could make their own cookbook, too.
“Oba, if those girls can cook, yet, then we can cook once, too, for sure,” said Mr. Fast. “In our book we’ve got sea fäl recipes for Mannanites to try out.”
The ‘Mennonite Boys Can Cook Yet’ book contains Mennonite men classics such as instructions on how to heat up Kraft Dinner and how to pick up a few hamburgers at the local MacDonalds.
“You can throw in a few sliced up hot dogs with the macaroni yet,” said Mr. Doerksen. “Also, we’ve got one in there about frying bologna if you want to make a fancy dinner for Annie.”
Doerksen says the book is essential for Mennonite men in case your Annie or Martha is gone for the weekend on a Beth Moore retreat or something like that. So far critics, however, have not been impressed with the new publication.
“Of all the recipes we tried out, the most sophisticated suggestion was to try a bit of white vinegar on your ruehrei,” said a local newspaper critic. “I’m sorry to say that otherwise it’s a pretty sad and lazy collection. For myself, I think I’ll stick to the Mennonite Girls recipes any day.”