There was so much food leftover at the Reimer family potluck last Sunday that the entire clan had enough food to last for the next two years.
“We were told to bring a dozen buns and a dish to share,” said Mrs. B. Reimer. “But you know, I didn’t want to look chintzy, so I made a pork roast, three casseroles and five blueberry pies and brought them along, too.”
But Mrs. B. Reimer wasn’t the only one to bring way too much friggin’ food. Her sisters Dorothy and Anne were also in on the action.
“I signed up to bring a ring of farmer sausage, but I figured I’d butcher a whole hog and bring that,” said Anne. “Plus a few ice cream pails full of carrot/pea mix.”
In the end the Reimers were left with enough food to feed five thousand Reimers for one day or a couple dozen Reimers for two years.
“It’s a miracle,” said Mrs. Reimer. “It happens at every Reimer gathering!”
(photo credit: Compassionate Action for Animals/CC)