Mennonites across the region have been clamouring to get their hands on Mrs. Janzen’s day old buns, which she offers for a significantly discounted price.
“Every loves Mrs. Janzen’s buns,” said Mr. Fehr. “Even at a day old, Mrs. Janzen’s buns still are the most tender and delicious buns in town!”
Mrs. Janzen says she will not divulge the secret to having long-lasting buns, but claims she puts a lot of effort into keeping her buns firm.
“No one wants to take a bite, only to find out the bun is past its prime,” said Mrs. Janzen. “Whether fresh or day old, my buns are guaranteed to be ready to rip apart and spread with butter just the way you like it.”
Mrs. Janzen sells her wares every Sunday afternoon after church in the parking lot.
“Men, women, young or old; it doesn’t matter,” said Mrs. Janzen. “Everyone loves my buns!”
For now it seems, Mrs. Janzen’s bun business will continue to dominate the market. Although Mrs. Toews is seen as Mrs. Janzen’s biggest competitor, everyone knows once you get past twenty hours or so, her buns are simply not edible.
(photo credit: Liga Eglite/CC)