The Teichroeb family has just moved to town and have been church shopping for the past several months. At the rate of one church a week, they will have visited every church in Winkler by the end of the year.
“It’s going to be a tough decision, but we’re frugal people and we want to make sure we’re getting the best bang for our buck,” said Mrs. Teichroeb. “We don’t want to overpay like we did in our last church over in Steinbach.”
The Teichroebs are looking for a church with solid Biblical-teaching, adequate programming for the kids, and book store that sells items at cost.
“We just want to sit in the back and be mesmerized by the strobe lights,” said Teichroeb. “Oh, and I sure hope this pastor drives a Harley!”
The family has already eliminated a few churches from their list.
“I won’t name any names, but there was this one place where they used totally substandard coffee,” said Mr. Teichroeb. “Plus, their guitar completely messed up the solo on ‘10,000 Reasons.’ We ain’t going back there, let me tell you!”
Winkler churches were significantly less eager to lure the Teichroebs when they discovered they didn’t really like to get involved and weren’t very good tithers.