Earlier this week, the federal government announced a GST break for several important items over the holiday. The Unger Review has compiled a list of the essential items that Mennonites will be able to purchase for a little bit cheaper for the next several weeks.
- Dry cottage cheese
- Wet cottage cheese
- Lard (for sandwiches)
- Used ice cream pails
- Used margarine containers
- Masking tape (for labeling ice cream pails)
- Paper bags
- Peanuts (to put in paper bags)
- Plett latches
- Klik
- Plume moos
- Ambrosia salads
- Andrew Unger books – The Best of the Bonnet and Once Removed make great GST-free Christmas gifts
- German Bibles
- Star anise (for soup)
- Gesangbuchs
- Horseshoes (for throwing not for horses)
- Papsi
- Ravels
- Natural casings (for farmer sausage)
- Danny Orlis books (for quiet time)
- Milking buckets
- Yerba mate
- Yerba mate gourds
- Yerba mate bombillas
- Martyrs Mirror
- Fortrel pants
- Rubber overshoes
- Suspenders
- Duaks
- Belts (for discipline not to keep pants up)
- Eatons catalogues (for perusing the last 10 pages)
- Bothwell cheese curds
- Zoat
- Plow disks (for cooking)
- Kjnipsers
- Nails (to replace the bent ones on your kjnipsbrat board)
- Tubduaks
- Goertzen family singers LPs
- Spiral-bound family history book your uncle wrote
- Koop enn Bua cassette tapes
- Communion cups
- Real Mexican vanilla
- Socks (to be worn with sandals)
- Mennonite Treasury of Recipes
- Liver sausage
- Maps of La Crete
- Co-op memberships