There is a growing community of cyclists across the city of Steinbach who have abandoned designated bicycle lanes in favour of riding their mountain bikes on the sidewalks. However, some area cyclists are now concerned about the number of people walking on the walking paths.
“Those sidewalks are a dangerous place for us cyclists, what with those pedestrians all over the place,” said a concerned Clinton Braun. “I mean just the other day I was nearly run over by a young mother pushing a baby stroller.”
Cyclists are considering petitioning the city to ban pedestrians from the sidewalks to make way for full-grown men on bicycles.
“I have to swerve past pedestrians in my way all the time,” said Braun. “It seems like the sidewalks are filled with elderly couples on their way to the coffee shop, or little kids skipping over to the park. I mean, come on, people. The least they could do is jump onto the grass or street when I’m coming by.”
Occasionally the cyclists even cycle parallel to each other and this creates even less room for pedestrians using the sidewalks as they were actually intended.
“These walkers are a nuisance,” said Braun. “If they want to be on the sidewalk, fine, but I really think they should be wearing proper reflective gear and helmets. It’s dangerous out there.”
(Photo Credit: by Gabriele Diwald/CC)