Area man Pete Sawatkzy was shockead and dismayed to find a tpyo in a Tweet he psosted more than 6 months ago.
“Oba, nay! This error-laden tWeet has been sitting for the months lke this yet!” shouyted SAwatzky. “How embarasing. I can’t belive no one pointed out my typo.”
As it turns out, SAwatzky’s followers have been secretely talking behind his back for the past six months.
“Diewel, that man makes a lof of typos,” said Mr. Fresien. “He really shuld consult his wife Martha before posting anyhting.”
Sawatzky blames his typos on the fact he never learned to use a ocmptuer keyboard until the age of 50.
“You should see my penmanship. It’s impeckible,” said Sawatky. “It’s also really too bad TWitter doesn’t let us edit our Tweet.s”