Area man Cameron Hiebert has been trying to inject his way into good health for quite some time, but that hasn’t stopped him from devouring a nice plate of vereniki and formavorscht when he has a chance.
“I just took an extra shot of Ozempic and I should be good to go,” said Hiebert. “I don’t know. I didn’t read the instructions.”
To lose all the weight he might gain from Oma’s cooking, Hiebert estimates he might need a shot per perogy and another shot or two with each ring of sausage.
“I’m not a big fan of needles,” said Hiebert. “But I’m also not a big fan of missing out on a Sunday lunch at the Hiebert farm.”
Doctors warn Hiebert to only use Ozempic as prescribed, but Hiebert says he should be fine as long as he only uses the vereniki as prescribed also.
“I hate to say it,” said Dr. Toews. “But I do think there’s a drug powerful enough to combat the effect of Mennonite food.”