Area woman Erin Augsburger has been listening to what she thought was Adele for more than 4 years now and only recently discovered it was actually someone named Lauren Daigle.
“I’ve been low-key grooving on ‘You Say’ since I first heard Adele sing it in 2018,” said Augsburger. “I just love how expressive her voice it. This song easily ranks up there with ‘Hello’ and ‘Easy on Me.'”
Augsburger claims ‘You Say’ is totally her jam and is planning to walk up the aisle to her favourite Adele tune sometime this summer.
“The date isn’t set yet, but I get the feeling Larry’s going to propose real soon,” said Augsberger. “I’ve already got the playlist all figured out. I’m think of playing the entire ‘Look Up Child’ album if Larry’s okay with it. He’s a huge Adele fan too.”
Even more exciting for Augsberger are the rumours floating around that Adele just might play the Eastern Mennonite University theatre this fall, followed by a meet-n-greet reception in the Harrisonburg Mennonite Church lobby.
(photo credit: YouTube)