After vaccinating dozens of animals against Covid-19 this week, the Assiniboine Zoo in Winnipeg officially has a higher vaccination rate than the RM of Stanley near Winkler.
“Ahh, nice, looks like we’ve got all the tigers injected. Now if only we could convince Mr. Penner to role up his sleeve,” said Dr. Klippenfriesen. “The tigers don’t seem to mind it, so I don’t know what Abe’s problem is.”
Zoologists were concerned about protecting rare species of animals, which is also a concern for Dr. Klippenfriesen.
“We’ve gotta keep the Penner and Wiebe lines going,” said Klippenfriesen. “Schmaunt fat is not enough.”
Penners and Wiebes from southern Manitoba say they have no interest in getting vaccinated and plan to show their YouTube videos to all the tigers at the zoo and convince them to not get vaccinated either.