Always eager to show off their green thumbs, Mr. and Mrs. Driedger of Black Creek, British Columbia have been posting photos of their delightful dead grass throughout the summer.
“Just look at the wonderful effect that 12 weeks with no rain can have on your front lawn,” said Mrs. Driedger in an enthusiastic Instagram post. “I’ve never seen the grass so non-verdant and lifeless. It’s a delight!”
The Driedgers have not once got out the water hose, saying there’s simply no need.
“We leave the colour of our lawn in the Lord’s hands,” said Mrs. Driedger. “Plus we can always use a few extra dollars in our White Spot dining fund.”
The Driedgers recently took a trip to the world famous Butchart Gardens and were not impressed.
“I had to close my eyes,” said Mrs. Driedger. “It was far too colourful. We’re Mennonites. We don’t need all those pinks and purples and reds. A brown dead lawn is just fine for us!”
Mr. Driedger, on the other hand, said he misses the green grass, but does appreciate the fact he hasn’t had to get out the mower all year.