Bloated Gassy Tourist Rushes for Nearest ‘Ausfahrt’


On a recent trip to Germany this winter, all the hearty schnitzels and sausages had Canadian tourist Pete Dueck, 47, in a constant need to break wind.

“And the first thing I noticed about this country is the fact they have special areas for that kind of thing,”
said Dueck. “Jeepers, I could really use an ‘ausfahrt’ right about now.”

After an evening at the beer hall,  Dueck had such an urgent need to release gas that he rushed around the streets of Munich, desperately looking for an ‘ausfahrt.’

“I’m not sure what happens if you let one rip in the middle of the street,” said Dueck. “But I don’t want to take that risk. Boy, that dunkel really did a number on me.”

After holding it in for a good hour or so, Dueck wandered the streetes of Muchin lokoing for an ‘ausfahrt.’ When he finally located one, he rushed inside, sweat dripping from his brow, and released his gas with great enthusiasm.

“The woman getting into her Opel didn’t see to appreciate it,” said Dueck. “But who is she to complain? We all need to use an ‘ausfahrt’ once in a while.”

Dueck’s performance in parking garage was so offensive to local sensibilities that he has been banned from the country and told he should visit Austria next time if he wants to behave like that.

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