Die hard Winnipeg Blue Bombers fan, Colin Kehler of Landmark can’t figure out why on earth he drives all the way out to Regina every year just to watch his team lose yet again.
“I’m really starting to think it’s me,” said Kehler. “They never win when I’m in Regina. I think I better stop going.”
Kehler’s been going to these games for more than a decade and always comes away feeling like garbage.
“Plus, I get hassled by drunk melonheads in the parking lot,” said Kehler. “Ugh, why am I doing this to myself?”
Kehler is currently driving back home to Manitoba with rabid Riders chasing after him the whole way.
“To make matters worse,” Kehler said, “that cute Riders fan in row 23 wasn’t there this year…”
(photo credit: Winnipeg Blue Bombers/CC)