Area man Neil Braun, 46, is really hoping he can get finally get some entertainment from the Bombers game this week and, thus, is anticipating “those cute dogs that run around the obstacle course at half time.”
The stunt dogs are the most exciting thing about the Blue Bombers season so far this year and fans are eagerly anticipating their arrival.
“Either stunt dogs or little kids playing soccer,” said Braun. “We’ve gotta have something to keep us in our seats at half time.”
Braun always cheers for a Lhasa Apso named Scamp, although at times he finds himself rooting for a miniature poodle named Bubbles.
“They could use a feisty player like Scamp in their receiving corps this year,” said Braun. “Not sure how he’d do on the o-line, though.”
Braun was so invested in watching the stunt dogs that he completely forgot to order another beer.
“It’s just as well,” said Braun. “I hear the pastor sent spies to this game anyway.”