More than two dozen Tadpoles and Treeclimbers ran for cover behind upturned Chesterfields in the Youth Room last night as the Pioneer Girls stormed into the basement to sew badges onto their sashes.
“I was busy earning my badge for sitting quietly and listening to the missionary talk, when all of the sudden the Pioneer Girls came storming in,” explained Timmy Wiebe. “I had to duck for cover!”
The CSB unit was ill-prepared for the invasion and many boys found themselves huddled behind the couch consuming whatever meagre portions of Cheetos they could locate in the cushions.
“This was not part of our training,” said Timmy Wiebe. “All I really know how to do is run around playing floor hockey while reciting passages from Zephaniah.”
The Pioneer Girls claimed they came in peace and were not aware that the position in the basement was already occupied.
“I thought they were out on a orienteering trip to the Sandilands,” said Bethany Bueckert. “It’s okay, though. They can stick around and help us make these centrepieces for the Christmas program.”
The Pioneer Girls and Boys Brigaders eventually negotiated a truce that will get them through the weekend and hopefully into Sunday School.