Canada’s leading right wing intellectual Jordan Peterson will be heading south this week in exchange for Noam Chomsky.
“They were eager to get rid of Chomsky, and we could do without Peterson,” said Canadian prisoner exchange negotiator Warren Kliewer. “It was a win-win situation.”
Chomsky is a outspoken critic of US foreign policy and has been a thorn in the side of US lawmakers for decades, whereas Peterson is most well known for his obnoxious tweets.
“We’re definitely getting the better end of the deal,” said Kliewer. “This deal might even boost the average IQ in this country.”
Peterson says he plans to continue his work as a public academic by retweeting Elon Musk every day.
Meanwhile, Noam Chomsky says he will immediately begin pointing out flaws in Canadian foreign policy the moment he arrives.
(photo credit: jeanbaptisteparis/CC)