In an effort to expand their appeal in central Saskatchewan, the Canadian Football League recently announced expansion to Saskatoon for the 2017 season. The new team is to be known as the ‘Roughriders.’
“There was a time when when had Roughriders in Regina and Rough Riders in Ottawa,” said interim CFL commissioner Bud Stukus. “It’s time we bring back the tradition of having close to half the teams with the same name.”
The new plan will see all the teams in West Division named the Rough Riders by the year 2020. Only the Winnipeg Blue Bombers showed opposition to the idea.
“We don’t want to have anything to do with the Riders,” said Bomber President and CEO Wade Miller. “We’ll stick with the Blue Bombers name, thank you very much.”
Given the Bombers record of late, the new plan will guarantee a Rough Rider team in the Grey Cup every year.
(photo credit: by Justin Trudeau/CC)