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Canadian Hockey Fans Boo Hymn 606


Things got pretty heated at a Toronto church this Sunday morning after a group of Mennonites started booing right in the middle of Hymn 606.

“It’s the Mennonite anthem, right?” said attendee Jakob Martin. “These days I’m booing any anthem that’s not Canadian.”

This surge is patriotism is not normal for Mennonites, but we are living in strange times.

“I don’t know about these other guys,” said Peter Eby. “But I was basically just booing the fact they moved it to a different spot in the hymnal.”

While several congregants proceeded with the song, their singing was soon drowned out with a chorus of boos.

“I’m guessing we’re just going to have to leave it out of the song list from now on,” said Pastor Koop. “I guess Battle Hymn of the Republic is out of the question, too.”

Upon further investigation, it turns out that the boos started from a group of visiting MBs who objected to the strange melody of 606.

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