The Hieberts are a lovely couple with a happy marriage…or so they thought. Since the beginning of April the Mitchell area couple have been engaged in an epic struggle for temperature control during recent shopping trips to Steinbach in their Honda Odyssey.
Darryl tends to crank up the Air Conditioning as soon as the Sun is out, while the same temperatures cause Susan to quickly close all the vents and turn on the heated seats.
“It gets awkward in that 15-20 degree range,” said Darryl. “To me that’s Air Conditioning weather. I mean I’m sweating in anything over 10 or 12 degrees.”
Susan, on the other hand, finds Darryl’s use of the Air Conditioner just too much to handle and attempts to counteract the effect by setting her heated seat to the maximum level.
“It’s cold enough already out there without Darryl’s AC,” said Susan. “That’s why I’ve got my Canada Goose parka and keep the seats cranked.”
The Hieberts hope to call a ceasefire this May when the temperatures reach the level where Darryl can drive around with his shirt off while Susan turns down the heated seat to medium.