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Church’s Annual ‘Costume and Candy Party’ Eerily Similar to Halloween


The local MBGC church invites everyone to dress up like their favourite movie character and come sit around drinking Papsi and eating candy in the church basement this evening.

“We’ll be decorating everything in orange and black,” said Pastor Ron. “You know, traditional fall colours that have nothing to do with Halloween.”

Churchgoers were excited to get together and not celebrate Halloween.

“Not celebrating Halloween is my favourite annual church activity,” said MBGC member Lois Fehr. “I just love dressing up like Catwoman and eating candy a couple days before the end of October.”

The church will also have pumpkins carved to depict the 12 disciples.

“Not sure you can tell Andrew from Bartholomew, but they’re all there and they’re all lit up for everyone to see,” said Pastor Ron. “I think it’ll be a good object lesson for the kids.”

The church is also already planning their annual New Year’s Eve celebration, which is scheduled to end by 9 pm so everyone can get to bed at a reasonable hour.

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