Here we have it, folks. This is officially the most unfunny, dull, and least interesting Daily Bonnet post ever. Searching the Clinton emails on wikileaks for the word “Mennonite” revealed 6 copies of one email to Secretary Clinton. Here is an utterly riveting excerpt:
“In addition, we recommended inviting Monserior Hector Fabio Henao, director of Pastoral Social, at the Archdiocese in Bogota, who represents all the pastoral work of the Church throughout the country, as well as representatives from the Mennonite and Lutheran churches, in particular.” – Cindy Buhl on behalf of Cong. Jim McGovern
In response to this email, Secretary Clinton replied: “Pls print 2 copies.”
Fascinating stuff! Sorry, I couldn’t dig up more for you, but this is as exciting as it gets. #notsatire #realjournalism
See the full email here: Clinton Mennonite email.
(Photo credit: by WEBN-TV/CC)