Two young women, Beatrice Penner, 21, and Agatha Plett, 24, braved the streets of Toronto earlier this week to show off their nation’s colours.
“I was worried people would think we were the last dregs of the Freedom Convoy or something,” said Penner. “But, you know, it’s time right here, right now, in our nation’s capital, that we take the flag back.”
Canada Day celebrations have been a little subdued in recent years, due to some negative connotations that have come to be associated with the flag.
“If you can’t show a little patriotism in the capital city of our nation, where else can we?” said Plett, standing on Yonge Street waving her flag. “People can think what they want. I’m proud to wave this flag. I hope the Prime Minister can see me from this office right there in the Toronto Eaton Centre.”
Penner and Plett were left more-or-less unnoticed, as capital-dwellers are used to strange behaviour on Yonge Street.
“They basically ignored us,” said Plett. “They seemed to be in a hurry. I get it. They all want to get a good spot at the Parliament Buildings for the fireworks.”
Meanwhile, a massive fireworks display was also seen south of the border in that nation’s capital – New York.