Just days after being booted out of Australia, deported tennis superstar Novak Djokovic has already selected a new partner for an upcoming mixed doubles tournament.
“I met Oma Krahn in Hofnungschanzenhimmelsfeld, Manitoba while I was there and she really impressed me with her tenacity and stamina,” said Djokovic. “I mean, I’m not so sure about her forehand, but she unleashes a back of the hand like no one I’ve ever seen before.”
Oma Krahn says she’s never played this thing called tennis before, but is confident her skills in Dutch Blitz, crokinole, and horseshoes will be transferable to the new sport.
“I’ve already tried it out and as soon as I approach the net, people back away,” said Oma Krahn. “We were up 40-nuscht without even breaking a sweat. Even Nadal refused to play if I was on the court.”
Djokovic says he hopes the Djokovic-Oma Krahn team will have some willing opponents, but says he’ll be happy to take a few wins by forfeit if he has to.
“Hey, any takers out there?” said Djokovic in a press conference earlier today. “Clay court? Hard court? Grass? Oma Krahn prefers to play in a field of alfalfa, but you name the time and place and we’ll be there. Well, not Australia, though …”
As of press time, the only response so far has been a proposed multi-sport exhibition match with Aaron Rogers.
(Djokovic photo credit: Marianne Bevis/CC)