More than thirty Mennonite women have been left without any place to go after a tornado ripped through the heart of a local MCC Thrift Store yesterday afternoon.
“They’re here all the time. They’re here trying on jeans when I open up in the morning and they’re still here looking for candle holders when I lock up at night. They basically live here,” said devastated store manager Peter Funk. “Now that this has happened, I’m not sure where these ladies will go.”
The women are looking for something else to occupy their days, but in the small town of Kjrieselstorm, Kansas, the options are fairly limited.
“I really don’t know what I’ll do,” said Mrs. Goerzen. “If I’m not buying tonnes of stuff and then donating the exact same stuff back to the MCC, my life has no meaning.”
Emergency garage sales have been set up throughout the village in order to give the women some place to buy second hand stuff during the day.
“Thank goodness I have some place to buy a few chipped teacups,” said Mrs. Goerzen. “The community has really stepped up and provided shelter for us!”
The women had briefly considered hanging out all day at the coffee shop with the men, but decided wandering the streets aimlessly was a preferable option.
(photo credit: Jason Carter/CC)