Waters of Blessing, an area church well known for its mind-blowing worship hour, is urging parishioners to keep their eclipse glasses and bring them along to this weekend’s service.
“We’ve heard your cries for more total awesomeness,” said worship pastor Troy Jagger. “Well, I hope you all hung on to your eclipse glasses, because we’re really ramping up the strobe lighting this week. But, don’t worry–if you’ve already thrown yours away, you can safely enter the sanctuary with a cardboard box strapped to your head.”
Waters of Blessing has also updated their Facebook page with a few verses from Ephesians and step-by-step instructions to make your own pinhole camera.
“We don’t want anyone to go blind while singing Hillsong’s ‘Let There Be Light,'” said Jagger. “So, please, do not, under any circumstances, stare directly at the worship leader this Sunday.”
Before the service, Sunday School children will be decorating homemade eclipse viewers made from Froot Loops boxes, which will be handed out to adults who don’t have the means or foresight to bring their own.
“These are necessary precautions, but I hope this won’t dissuade anyone from attending, because you really won’t want to miss this service,” said Jagger. “This will be the first Total Eclipse of the Pastor since the late 70s. It truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
(photo credit: Luke Jones/CC)