Elon Musk Offers $1 Million to Anyone Who Can Pry His Hands from Skinny Jeans


Billionaire Elon Musk is offering $1 million to anyone who is able to pry his hands from a particularly tight pair of skinny jeans he’s been sporting for the past year or so.

“I could use a little help. My fingers are turning blue,” said Musk. “Or so I assume. I haven’t been able to get them out and confirm it myself.”

Several contestants have tried, but so far without success.

“I gave it a good heave-ho,” said Musk superfan Richard Dyck. “But even with a bit of grease and baby powder, we still couldn’t make any headway.”

So far the situation has not caused any problems for Musk, but he is worried he’s going to get tired of his self-driving car.

“And my secretary is sick of spoon feeding me every meal,” said Musk. “But, hey, you know, that’s just part of the job these days.”

Experts say Musk’s $1 million offer may contravene several laws, but so far they have not been able to hand him his subpoena.

(photo credit: Steve Jurvetson/CC)

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