After Senior Pastor Bob went down with mono just minutes before the start of the 10:30 service, the congregation at South Linden Mennonite was scrambling for a replacement. With the associate pastor pre-occupied teaching the youth group how to play foosball, the church had no choice but to call on 96-year-old Mr. Thiessen to bring the Word.
“I was a little nervous at first, but Mr. Thiessen really hit it out of the park,” said Mrs. Wiebe. “That man can recite the ‘begats’ like nobody’s business!”
Preaching for well over an hour, Mr. Thiessen had the congregation so riveted they didn’t even notice he was cutting into their faspa time.
“I guess I shouldn’t say this, but Pastor Bob can stay injured as far as I’m concerned,” said Mr. Klassen. “I don’t think we can do any better than Mr. Thiessen’s verse-by-verse exposition of the second chapter of 1 Chronicles.”
Church members are also starting to wonder just how on earth Pastor Bob contracted mono, but no one had the courage to ask.
“There are some things better left unknown,” said Mrs. Wiebe. “I’m just glad to know that if Pastor Bob ever goes down again, we’ve got a reliable backup!”