Formula 1 fans are really excited to see new young Mennonite driver Max Fe’schlucken, who hopes to be the first F1 driver to win a Grand Prix using only a team of horses.
“Fe’schlucken has already defeated everyone in the kart circuit, so it will be interesting to see if he can take his horses to the next level,” said racing fan Art Peters. “It’s one thing to drive a team of horses up and down Main Street in Winkler and it’s another thing completely to go up against a McLaren.”
Still, Fe’schlucken has his fans and has even attracted several high profile sponsors.
“His horses will be decorated with signage sponsored by La Cocina Chips,” said Peters. “Plus Pic ‘n Pay Shoes and Chicken Chef, of course.”
Fe’schlucken, who is already starring in a new Netflix series, is especially looking forward to the upcoming Belgian Grand Prix, which is not too far from where his Mennonite ancestors originated five centuries ago.
“I hope the pit crew doesn’t mind if we give Taunte Tina a ride to the corner store,” said Fe’schlucken. “We’ll have to stop and change the horseshoes anyway.”
Racing fans already think young Max and his team of horses has a good chance … especially against Ferrari. Whatever happens, though, fans are crossing their fingers and hoping that their beloved Fe’schlucken doesn’t choke.
(photo credit:Jose Maria Miñarro Vivancos/CC/modified)