Mr. Derek Wiebe of Waldheim, Saskatchewan is just one in a long line of local residents who’ve tested positive for knackzoat in recent weeks.
“I waited the full 15 minutes and it was just a faint line, which according to my buddies, comes from knacking zoat,” said Wiebe. “I mean all my friends got two lines, too, and the only thing I can think of was last weekend when we were all together knacking zoat.”
According to sources, it was indeed right after a bonfire at Bob’s house that Wiebe and all his buddies tested positive.
“Yeah, and we all were using the same bag of Spitz,” said Wiebe. “I think if you’re just knacking ragular plain zoat, it’s only a faint line, but if you’re knacking BBQ or dill or something, then it comes out more solid. That’s what I’ve heard anyway.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Kornelsen, who was also present at the party, denies partaking in any zoat, but wonders whether maybe he still has some faint traces of zoat in his blood from last season.