Local Penner and Wiebe gatherings will never be the same after Rider fan Julie Penner, 19, married Bomber fan Timothy Wiebe, 20, in a secret ceremony somewhere in rural Saskatchewan this afternoon.
“We’re Penners and we’ve been Riders fans ever since Grandpa Penner set up the old farmstead near Swift Current back in ’48,” said Mr. Penner. “So, to think that our young daughter could align herself with that Manitoba boy! Disgusting!”
The young lovers apparently met at last year’s Labour Day Classic, where they made covert glances at each other while their family members were enthusiastically cheering and/or booing.
“A Riders fan is like the forbidden fruit,” said Wiebe. “When we made eye contact, it was like a siren call that I couldn’t resist.”
The young bride, however, knew the marriage would be controversial.
“I’ve always liked the bad boys,” said Julie. “My sister dated a Hell’s Angel for a while, but I knew I could top her!”
The young couple has been disowned by their families and will have to spend upcoming holidays on neutral ground with some Stampeders fans they know in Calgary.