Days before the upcoming election, the federal government has committed upwards of $80 billion to build a high-speed rail line in the five mile stretch between Morden and Winkler.
“There will be stops at Boundary Trails, the Pembina Threshermens Museum and Penner Auction Sales,” said spokesperson Harry Kehler. “In total it’ll cut down the travel time between Winkler and Morden by 2 to 3 minutes.”
The new trains will go up to 300 km/h and passengers have been asked to stand by the side of Highway 3 and wave if they need to be picked up.
“We’re going to hitch together about fifty pick-up trucks and you can just hop in the back,” said Kehler. “You’ll get to Taunte Tina’s faspa quicker than you ever imagined.”
Winkler resident Abe Goertzen is really excited about the new train.
“It means we can get the gospel to the folks in Mordern even quicker,” said Goertzen. “And they’ll be able to get to work much quicker, too.”
While most are in favour of the new train, some critics have pointed out that at 300 km/h the new train will still not be travelling as fast as the cruisers on Main Street.