West Saskatoon Mennonite Church’s Peace Sunday service was interrupted right in the middle of the responsive reading after the Wiebes came in late and demanded a spot in a pew occupied by the Rempels.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen. No fighting; it’s Peace Sunday!” exclaimed Pastor Ron, who quickly tried to read something from the Beatitudes. “Blessed are the peace-makers!”
However, the pastor’s words did little to stem the anger, and the fight soon included cousins and uncles and other members of the extended Wiebe and Rempel families.
“Turn the other cheek! Blessed are the meek!” shouted Pastor Ron. “Love your enemies!”
No matter how many verses Pastor Ron shouted the men continued their battle and eventually Mr. Wiebe had Mr. Rempel pinned to the ground in submission.
“Submit? Good!” said Mr. Wiebe. “Now we can finally continue with our Peace Sunday service. What were you trying to say again, Pastor?”
About halfway through the service another brawl broke out, apparently over the fact the pastor had dared to have a Peace Sunday service so close to Remembrance Day.